How To Know If Someone Smokes Crack

By describing someone by their colour rather than by something more obvious, like maybe their name or something, you are depersonalising them.

In my experience someone who smokes habitually isn t just a high waste of space. He probably acts more or less the exact same. The people I know who smoke.

The tipster made the following claims: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smokes crack cocaine.

how to know if someone smokes crack how to know if someone smokes crack

How to Tell If Someone Is a Smoker.. Cigarette smoking is known to cause lung cancer and emphysema, which can lead to death. While health warnings have increased.

Crack is a street drug that affects the central nervous system by increasing dopamine levels in the brain. Crack is extremely addictive, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, and can be smoked, snorted or dissolved in water and injected into a vein. Rock cocaine that has been heated makes a crackling sound as it becomes a vapor that can be smoked. Learning the signs and symptoms of crack or cocaine use and abuse may help family or friends seek help for a loved one.

Watch for signs of excessive bursts of energy. Crack offers the user a brief yet intense high that increases mental alertness and a sense of euphoria, according to Narconon, a California-based drug rehab and addiction treatment center. The crack user may not want or need to sleep as long as the drug is potent, which ranges from five to 30 minutes, depending on route of ingestion. He may talk fast. After the dose wears off, he may literally crash and grow lethargic, expressing the desire to sleep for days.

Watch for signs of shakiness or trembling, commonly known as jitters. Jitters are caused by increased levels of dopamine in the brain that lead to excessive energy. Tremors or hyperactivity may be noticed as the hands tremble or the person s legs or arms twitch or are in constant movement.

Pay attention to signs of nosebleeds or irritated nasal passages, a common sign of snorted cocaine. Irritation to the nasal linings and passages due to snorting may also be noted by constant sniffling and a runny nose, according to Narconon. Nosebleeds may be mild or severe, caused by damage to nasal lining. A person using crack for a period of time may lose the ability to smell.

Listen for sounds of hoarseness or difficulty talking. Smoking or snorting crack may damage mucous linings of the nose and throat, making it difficult to swallow and speak.

Look for signs of excessively red and bloodshot eyes. Dilated pupils are another sign that the person may be intoxicated from crack. When the pupils are dilated, the black portion of the eye that allows light to enter become larger than normal.

Pay attention to changes in behavior that include disruptions in sleeping habits, increased irritability or depression. Individuals using crack often miss work, distance themselves from their loved ones and develop erratic behavior that places a strain on personal and work relationships. As crack use increases, an individual may experience increased sensations of paranoia or hallucinations.

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How Do I Tell If Someone Is Smoking Crack?

how to know if someone smokes crack

The results of abusing crack cocaine are so severe that only the most powerful addiction would keep a person using this drug. Crack cocaine is a strong stimulant that energizes the entire central nervous system and places damaging stresses on the heart, lungs and brain. It is also very often associated with a dramatic deterioration of the quality of life.

When crack cocaine is smoked, the muscles tense and the heart beats faster. The person experiences exhilaration as a result of the release of specific mood hormones.

At the same time that the heart beats faster, the blood vessels constrict, resulting in elevated blood pressure. At any time, this change can result in a heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest.

A person abusing crack cocaine may leave behind tiny plastic bags with small off-white rocks of crack, or just a little residue of the drugs that were stored in the bag. There may be crack pipes around made of metal or glass. A person who has been smoking crack often has burned fingers or lips from holding onto the pipe while it heats up.

Crack cocaine effects do not last as long as powder cocaine, meaning that the user will need to disappear for another dose in as short a time as 10 to 15 minutes. A crack user is therefore always in need of more of the drug. This is one of the reasons that many crack users resort to crime. They have no other way to keep up with this constant need for crack. Women may turn to prostitution and men may turn to theft.

Immediate Physical Signs

The person will have dilated pupils and a dry mouth. They may sweat and there will be little appetite. They will probably be restless and talkative. There will be too much energy for the person to sleep. They will be physically active.

Some definite negative phenomena appear either coincident with drug use, or after use has been continued for some time. These phenomena include depression, isolation, defensiveness and paranoia. The person s moods may swing wildly and they may manifest a false sense of confidence and power. There may be hallucinations and confusion. The person may think there are bugs crawling on his skin. They may pick and scratch at their skin. They will probably have trouble concentrating.

If the drug is used over a period of time, the user is likely to show premature aging. Some people have developed Parkinson s disease after a long period of crack cocaine use.

Of course, one of the major effects of crack cocaine is rapid development of addiction. Cocaine causes the strongest mental dependency of any drug. This dependency can occur within just days of starting to use crack cocaine.

Binge use of crack cocaine can result in a psychotic, over-stimulated state accompanied by paranoia and compulsive behavior. At the end of the binge, the person will normally crash, suffering exhaustion, agitation, depression and intense cravings.

Crack Cocaine Health Risks:

Drivers and Workers on Cocaine

While a driver who has used crack cocaine may feel invincible, he is likely to lose his concentration while driving, increasing his risk for accidents. He may also suffer attacks of paranoia, hallucinations or mood swings while driving. Lack of concentration may result in a loss of control of the vehicle. Of 253 fatally injured drivers in Michigan in a two-year period, ten percent were found to have cocaine or residues of cocaine use in their blood.

Cocaine users in the workplace often begin to deal drugs in the workplace or commit theft. Work performance normally suffers greatly because nothing is as interesting or exciting as using the drug. Employees who use crack cocaine normally miss work and deadlines.

Cocaine Overdoses Can Be Fatal

If a person consumes too much crack, they can get into an over-stimulated condition in which their body temperature soars, and they can suffer hallucinations and convulsions. They may be in a confused and delirious state that requires hospitalization. Death can result if treatment is not prompt.

A person may experience an overdose after swallowing their supply of crack cocaine to avoid arrest. The ingestion of crack cocaine can result in serious intoxication and may require hospitalization. It may be fatal.

Recovering Sobriety

Even a person addicted to crack cocaine has the opportunity to get free of it through the Narconon drug rehabilitation program. A key phase of the rehabilitation is the Narconon New Life Detoxification, a sauna-based program that also utilizes moderate daily exercise and a precise regimen of nutritional supplements to flush out old drug toxins. All drug or alcohol abuse leaves residues behind that lodge in fatty tissues and can trigger cravings. But after this phase of recovery, those finishing talk about a brighter viewpoint, increased energy and lower cravings.

Find out now how the Narconon drug recovery program can help someone you care about who is addicted to crack cocaine.


Signs and Symptoms of Crack Use

Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment Recovery Help. Crack cocaine has to be the devil s candy It can be nothing else. That is why the CRACK STOPS here.